Thursday, January 20, 2011

Betcha didn't know.....

Okay seriously, I'm too depressed today to blog about anything emotional, serious, worldly or enlightening. Depressed isn't even the right word...I'm grouchy....I hate the snow, I hate the cold, and am quickly becoming seriously jaded by the human race as a whole......ick... I hate having a bad attitude but I just do today and it's okay because I'm allowed because I'm the boss of there!

In case you didn't know this, I am profoundly genius for sure way smarter than any of my friends....this statement would come as no surprise to them as they all concure(see how I threw a 'smart' word in there) and everyone agrees that I should have been a therapist thus my trademarked comment "Pay me like I'm licensed." <-----(Not to be used out of context)

In an effort to perk up the foul mood I'm are a few things about me that I betcha didn't know....

-Green skittles taste like the smell of stink bugs to me.
-I have an ice crunching habit.
-When I get stress out I twist my hair.
-I clean my ears obsessively.
-When I want to stop my self from crying I pinch my ear.
-I talk out loud to myself(a sign of genius.....just additional key note here would be that the author of a yet-to-be published book called 'Smart Plan' also talks to for thought there.
-I still hate feet....with a passion.
-I wrap my fingers around my wrist at least 5 times a day.
-I'm a little obsessed with the labels on things in my pantry.
-Coffee is quite possibly my very favorite thing on the planet.
-Dancing always makes me feel better.
-The smell of Nina Apple perfume makes me smile no matter what (like literally smile)
-My bucket list has 33 things on it.
-I burn candles every single day almost....even in the summer.
-I hate scrambled eggs.
-Sometimes I use his razor just to make him mad.
-I hide money and then forget where I put it.
-I write something almost every day.
-I loathe liver.
-I've thrown up on a carnival ride.
-I love scary movies.
-I chew the inside of my lip when I'm anxious.
-When I'm laying in bed at night, if I can't fall asleep, I tap my feet against the bed until I fall asleep.
-I love coupons.
-My feet aren't ticklish.
-When I was seven I flipped over a stairs banister and cracked open my chin.
-I love the feeling of sneezing.
-I adore the Little House on the Prairie Series.
-I love walking alone in the dark.
-I hum when I'm in pain.
-I'm a very chatty person in the morning and the fact that other people aren't is very fascinating to me.
-I hate the circus.
-I'm a word-a-holic....I love quotes and profound sayings.
-Sometimes when I organize a closet or cupboard I stand there and just look at it.
-Most of the time I feel like I was born in the wrong generation.
-My favorite flowers are Daisies.
-I analyze my face in a 12 times magnifying mirror every night before I go to bed(Not recommended)
-I say 'Hey' instead of 'Eh'

On a different note referring to the coffee statement....I have truly come to appreciate that first cup of coffee in the morning....when I come down stairs and no one is awake and I sit in the quiet pondering the day, and life and other stuff. I do love to chat in the morning but my soul loves that part of the day where me, myself and I sit together and formulate our(meaning my because I do not have more than one person living in me)plan for the day.....I guess the point to this little paragraph was just to say....find your little moment....that 5 minutes or whatever it is when you take the time to just be with matters.....and you're worth it.

Happy Thursday all!


  1. Hey Lan, sometimes I find myself wandering and I read your blogs... I love them, they are so creative and humorous. I definitely think you could author a book if you wanted to ;)

    Love you guys!

    - Joey

  2. Hey L,

    If you ever need a chat...or want to talk, I'm just an email away.

